Monday ( 06/11/23 )
I just woke up and couldn’t help but ask myself: What does it mean to be?
This question is kind of tricky one…
We always say/think, that “to be” means to be “alive” or to be conscious; but in a way isn’t everything around us “conscious” ?
I mean, when we look at trees, they don’t move like we humans do but, internally though, just like us, they have living organisms; matter that reacts to one another.
In that case we can come to the understanding that “to be” doesn’t always mean to be alive but, to exist.
While listening to LOVE by Keyshia Cole, I thought of a question…
Now this question might sound cliché but, love is objective right?
When do we see love as a feeling and when do we see it as a thing?
For me love is way more than just a feeling, it’s kinda like a state of being between multiple people, therefore love is not just for one person or for two, it can be for as many that want to receive it.
Hear me out!
When we look at individuals, for example Governors or people with power doing things that aren’t really nice, they say that they’re doing the right thing, but here it comes, when is doing the “right thing” good?
Doing the right thing doesn’t always mean you’re doing good…
You can do the “right thing”, for the sake of being good or just, but that doesn’t mean that what you did was right or good.
This concept can be quite confusing, to be honest we can go as far to say that it’s a very complex argument. However, whenever it’s talked about, everyone comes out being right and wrong at the same time.
After witnessing an altercation between two classmates, I saw that one of them had respect and was being the bigger person, while the other just told her off and walked away. Looking back at the situation, I wondered if everyone deserved respect…
This might be a little triggering for some but through all circumstances, the answer is yes.
We might think that respect is a personal thing, but to me it’s objective.
Everyone is worth of respect, no matter what they may have done; wether they did you wrong or even offend you, for all we know they also could’ve hurt someone you know. Even so, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re human, a person just like you…
So whenever you go out there and interact with people always remember that, what you sow is what you’ll reap.
You know that feeling you get when you see someone you’re close with or a cute puppy on instagram, what is that feeling? I know that you know, that we know the feeling I’m talking about, but what is it? What is a “feeling”? To me a feeling is a sensation that occurs to the body as a reaction towards something; that “something” is something we can’t control and is hard to hide…
Feelings can be as sweet as honey but also as bitter as the salt is the sea; it can be comforting and frustrating. But despite all of that, just let it out and feel…
During break me and my friend had a debate about, if we were the only living creatures in the universe.
To keep it simple we’re not. I mean look at the universe! It’s hugeee! Right now as we speak it’s continually expanding.
Hoping that this doesn’t give you a existential crisis but, our Earth isn’t a wonder or miracle to the universe, even our galaxy isn’t!! T^T
For all we know there could me another me and another you living their lives totally contrary to ours.
Why be boring and when you can ask yourself questions that make your head explode 😀 sooo what is the soul?
To some the soul is part of the consciousness or even part of the body. But when we die what happens to our body? It rots and our consciousness on earth disappears, but what happens to our soul? It remains, therefore the soul is something more magnificent than what we make it out to be. To me the soul is what makes us alive and what defines our character and makes us be who we truly are…
We as humans sought for an explanation for everything, we all just found ourselves in this world and adapted to our environment. We yield to for the answers to why we exist and who was there before us. So is God real?
For me I believe in Jesus because he revealed himself in a profound and intimate manner. These encounters might not have been tangible or measurable by todays standards but they have left an indelible mark on my faith. Therefore without any doubt to me God is real and fully existent.
As I was getting ready to start doing homework, I found myself just sitting on my desk and blankly staring at the work I had before me, that made me wonder what consciousness was. Your consciousness is your mind, it’s where all your thoughts, emotions, feelings and et cetera are processed. But our consciousness is also called our heart; it’s kinda connected to it. Whenever we are happy our heart beats faster and when we’re hurt our heart feels so heavy and it hurts but not in a physical way yet you can feel it…
I’m ready to go to sleep but before that i wanted to as my final question for today…
Is morality objective or subjective?
Morality or being “moral” is not a personal thing, it’s common thing between comunities/tribes/cultures. It’s a common way of thinking between many people, somehow in a way it’s also a pre-made accordance that we have for each other as people; it’s like before we realize or even question something we’ve already agreed. And the only reason why we did is because our moral way of thinking.
I had so many questions for today…
But here are some for another day:
- When is a person considered strong? Is it when they’re physically strong or mentally?
- Is money good or bad?
- Is saying the truth always good?
- If we’re always encouraged to be curious to learn new things, why does the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” exist?
- Does racism and oppression still exist?
That’s enough for today, good night and sweet dreams…
Whitney A.
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