El día 27 de abril se fallaron los premios del Concurso literario de Plaza de la Cruz de este curso 2021 2022.
Premios en lengua castellana:
Relatos: Franshesca Jorge (2º Bach. E) y Leire Vera x Laura ( 2º ESO D).
Poesía: Iván González (2º Bach. E) y Ane Cedrón ( 1º ESO A).
Fotografía: Juan Salinas ((2º Bach. G) y Aitana Benítez ( 1º ESO A).
Ganadoras en inglés
Narración: 2º C de la ESO: Dzhanay Yusufova (2º C).
Texto Argumentativo: Aitana Benítez Ortigosa (1º ).
Narración: Leah Igbolomi Arrieta (1º F).
Texto Argumentativo: Maryem Zouaouine (1º E).
Ganadoras en francés:
Fadowa Cherkaoui Ettouhami (1ºBto F).
Isabel de la Rubia Manrique (1º Bto E).
Jihane Tagant (4º ESO A).
Omaima Amamou Laamouri (2º Bto C).
Relatos ganadores en lengua castellana
Mi querido marinero:
Una profunda pena oscurece hasta las venas más recónditas de mi alma al pensar en ti. Hace muchas lunas, cuando el mundo era más joven, el mar me contó que estabas en la última estrella del universo, una que no tiene nombre. Me dijo que alli había una playa de cristal, donde la arena parece nieve y cada grano es un sueño roto.
A pesar de que ha pasado tanto tiempo, cada atardecer, cuando el cielo se tiñe de fuego y las estrellas empiezan a nacer anunciando la nostálgica oseuridad, las gaviotas me preguntan por ti y las olas del mar susurran tu nombre. Cuando las lágrimas caen por mis mejillas como ángeles destrozados, las caracolas me recitan poemas que algún día me escribiste y el viento canta todas las melodías que se perdieron después de tantas noches.
Cada minuto, cada instante, extraño tus caricias y sueño con el día en que un velero blanco se acerque dibujando estelas en el agua. Mi corazón continúa quemándose por el fuego de nuestro romance.
Todavía hay potentes llamas que crean un incendio tan fuerte que hace ver los infiernos como solo una cerilla. Sé que aún me amas; las noches de luna llena escucho tus llantos desgarrando los recuerdos que las palmeras cobijan bajo sus hojas. Oigo cómo me llamas tantas veces que la aurora responde por mi y el sol llora de pena. Todavía le hablo a los peces de ti, trazando tu rostro en el agua y sacando viejas memorias de un cajón olvidado. Recuerdo que cuando nos mirábamos a los ojos, congelando el tiempo como si fuera el alma de un cruel tirano, ambos nos perdíamos en un laberinto de poemas y rosas.
Los pájaros sienten lástima por mi, lloran cada mañana y me gritan que te olvide, que espere a otro desafortunado hombre que se pierda en una violenta tormenta. Sin embargo, no eres solo un hombre, eres un marinero enamorado que destrozó mi corazón y una isla con su marcha. Algún día esta playa desaparecerá, el mar se secará, el sol en mil pedazos se romperá y mi alma se marchitará. Ojalá vuelvas a naufragar y regreses a esta isla antes de que los sueños que nos atrevimos a imaginar hace tantos abriles se rompan. Ojalá esta luna fuera de miel y no de piedra. Ojalá vuelvas a abrazarme mientras me pintas de azul, de verde, de rojo…
Te he esperado demasiado tiempo tendida en la arena, acompañada únicamente por la soledad y rogando al viento que traiga de nuevo tu velero blanco a estas orillas. Sé que también me escuchas cantar al alba, sé que también me ves en tus sueños y que sigues deseándome con la misma fuerza que hace tantos años. Aunque somos seres diferentes y nuestro amor parece imposible, te esperaré. Voy a esperarte hasta el final de los tiempos, cuando la noche deje de existir y todos los pájaros del mundo queden mudos. Esta playa es nuestra y lo será hasta que el sol se pague. Ahora entonces, me despido; nos vemos en el próximo sueño.
Tuya hasta el infinito:
Tu sirena
Una historia de superación
Hola, hoy estoy aquí para contaros una historia de mi familia. Recuerdo que mi madre me contó que esto llevaba generaciones yendo de boca en boca y que en algún momento llegaría mi turno de pasar la historia. Yo siempre he sido de escribir mucho, me gusta tenerlo todo guardado en un sitio que no sea mi mente por si algún día perdiese la memoria.
Esa es la razón por la que la escribo aquí, es una de las cosas que más me aterran en todo el mundo. Bueno, empezamos:
Había una vez una persona, normal, se despertaba, iba a trabajar, volvía, sacaba a pasear a su perro, hacía la cena, veía su programa favorito y se iba a dormir. Todos los días seguía la misma rutina. Sus compañeros de trabajo lo califican como aburrido, amargado y solitario, pero a él no le importaba él solo quería que su vida transcurriese hasta que llegase el momento de su muerte. Este hombre no tenía familia pero sí amigos; su amigo Soco (que era su perro) y Labo que era su amigo, este vivía a unas manzanas de la casa del hombre. La razón por la que no digo nombre es porque nunca se supo su identidad, nadie sabía cómo se llamaba, él solo era persona. La razón de esto es verdaderamente rara….
El hombre se enamoró, se enamoró de una mujer que pasaba en algunas ocasiones por el pueblo. La señora v vendía bizcochos caseros para poder mantenerse y siempre pasaba por la casa del hombre a dejarle algunos gratis ya que siempre lo veia triste. El señor terminó enamorándose, habían pasado ya 15 años desde la muerte de su esposa, hijos y padres, así que decidió darse el gusto de enamorarse. Un día se armó de valor y le dijo a la señora lo que sentía, al final resultó que la señora también estaba enamorada de él. Tiempo después decidieron mudarse juntos a un pueblo diferente, con gente diferente y un paisaje diferente. Esto le hacia muchísima ilusión al hombre porque significaba que iba a poder empezar su vida de nuevo. Juntos montaron un negocio de deliciosos pasteles, a todo el mundo le encantaban. Pronto consiguieron la cantidad suficiente como para hacer una boda humilde. Se casaron a los 65 años y aunque hubo gente a la que no le pareció bien no les importó porque su amor era demasiado grande. La verdad es que esta historia es algo rara pero su final es romántico y súper inspirador, dejándonos el mensaje de que todo se puede superar.
Como un cazador furtivo,
como si fuera un ladrón
me acerqué en la noche oscura,
y me asomé en tu balcón.
Yo no quería robar
que yo no soy un felón
solo quería ver de cerca
como es tu corazón
Vi un corazón tierno y puro
bajo un pecho seductor
palpitando a los acordes
del fuego de la pasión.
Prendido quedé en las redes
sutiles de tu candor
seducido por tu embrujo,
por tu aroma embriagador.
Y desde entonces soy preso
en una cárcel de amor.
No quiero salir de ella
porque no hay sitio mejor.
Sé como eres,
sé como te sientes,
no te dejes romper,
tienes mucho que perder.
La vida vuela,
disfrútala mientras puedas.
Ámala, quiérela
y déjate llevar.
Solo cuando te sientes mal
tu flor interna se va marchitando
y el dolor y odio florecen.
Ama para sentirte bien,
ama para sentirte lleno,
deja que el viento remueva el mar
y filtre en ti una mezcla de emociones.
Porque cuando uno ama, siente
cuando uno ama, lo vive
cuando una ama, vuela.
Relatos en inglés
We Found Love
I thought that love hurt, because I was raised that way. I’ve never had a piece of attention nor any type of affection during my childhood. I don’t know anything about my mom. My dad used to tell me that she left us when I was young. After all of this my dad had a girlfriend, and they were always fighting and arguing. It was scary, because sometimes they could get violent and the situation would get worse. A cold smile is the only thing I remember from me going back then, crying every day and every night, for nothing. -“I’d rather die”, I said to myself, but then, I didn’t expect that 3 words would change my entire life. The next morning, 12th February, 2:02 am, my father died of a heart attack. His nerves didn’t support the everyday situation in our lives. He was anxious, and didn’t ask for help. And then I realized that he was holding everything on his own, only because he was protecting me. He knew that since my mom left us, I wasn’t happy anymore. He never showed love because he was scared of losing me, and he really wanted to see me happy in all ways. I felt bad that I couldn’t show him my happiness because it rarely happens , but now it was too late. The woman that was with him left me, just as my mom did, so I started to live with my aunt. When I thought that nothing could get worse, I started to study at another high school that was near my aunt’s house, with brand new people, new teachers, and definitely a new aura, but… It wasn’t that bad when I met her. Cute, tall and charismatic, always smiling and showing that happiness, she was the perfect girl that everybody wanted. Yeah, that ‘s Lisa, my comfort place and kind of like a mother for me. When I first met her, I didn’t expect for the first time I would feel what love’s like. I was hopeless until she entered my heart. I remember the first week of school, I was sitting on the back of the class and she was at the front, as always. I was trying so bad to talk with her, I couldn’t get my eyes off of Lisa, when suddenly, a nice and soft voice reached my ears. -”Hey! I saw you the other day, you’re the new student, right? I’m Lisa, nice to meet you. Is it okay with you if we become friends? I’ll ask the teacher if you can sit next to me tomorrow”.- Oh my, this was really happening to me?… So that’s how it kinda started. Time goes so fast. In 2 months we became the closest, she was my happiness, I felt safe with her. Did I… just do it? Did I finally find my happiness? She was everything I wanted, and I was really sad that my dad wasn’t next to me this time. I miss him. So one day, I texted Lisa to hang out with me in a really beautiful forest I always wanted to show her. It was a forest with a big wide path near our house. I could literally walk with her for hours without sharing a single word, just appreciating the view and her presence. We were enjoying our afternoon when suddenly, she stopped walking. That got me upset, and before I said something to her, she said -«I’ve always wanted to say this to you … Thank you…»- An honest smile and crystal eyes appeared on her face, I was shaking, I could see on her face she was about to cry -«… For not leaving me alone»- she ended. I didn’t say anything. I ran to her and I hugged her as strongly as I could. I kissed her on her forehead, I grabbed her hand and took her to a place. An important and significant place for me. I took her to the graveyard. She looked confused, what was normal. Why would I want to take her to such a place? Because the most important and the only person that loved me in my whole life was there. We went to my dad’s grave. She understood everything and tears came out of her eyes.
«Dad, I did it… We found love»-. I said while I was holding her hand. «- Maybe you’re not here standing next to me witnessing this moment, but you’ll always be part of us. I’m sorry I didn’t say this to you so often, but someday I’ll really want to tell you… I love you.»-
Dzhanay Yusufova
Things you must know about love
Do you know that feeling? Yes, that one that makes you cry, makes you happy, makes you angry, makes you scared, makes you insecure… That one that can break your heart. That one that sometimes we love and others we hate. Not all the people know how it is, how it feels.
There are many types of it, but all of them are lovely: most people think that love must be between two people but… We also love our family, our friends, our objects, our body… and it’s also love.
Love can also be classified: by the people that fall in love by the physic and by the people that fall in love by the feeling that produces that person. The second is true love.
Another part of love is the things that we do because of it. We do crazy, silly, and dangerous things. In some cases, it is funny to do it, but in others it isn’t.
Talking about love between a couple, sometimes is difficult to understand each other. It’s difficult to know the position of the other person and know what is better.
Nowadays, teenagers think that if they meet a person that is good-looking, is the love of his/her life.
I think that people must know that even if a person is physically cool first you must meet him/her to know really how it is inside because if not, it’s like if you are meeting with a stranger.
In other cases, like the love we show to our family, it’s a different love. We respect our parents because thanks to them we are alive, but we don’t want to marry them. For this reason, love can be shown in lots of situations.
These are the most important things you have to know about love, but remember, love is a universe in which things can change in a moment.
Aitana Benítez Ortigosa
A’s story
The day she left him was February 14th. Ironic, right? It had to be done though. B had never laid a hand on A, and that’s a fact, but he would hurt her with his words and manipulate her in ways no one around them could ever imagine. You may ask yourself why she hadn’t left him before… It was because the painful words he said were stuck in her head, especially this frase: “without me you’re worthless” which is the one he would say more frequently, and caused her to be anxious, so she stayed. Therefore, it’s safe to say that it took her a lot of courage to leave him.
On the bright side, when she broke up with him, he wasn’t a prick about it, he accepted it and didn’t comment on it. On that same day, she left the house that they were living in and moved to her best friend’s apartment, C. A was relieved that the relationship had ended, but she was distraught about everything, so C took care of her while she was down. Even though A was upset, A and C had been friends since they were in secondary school, so they enjoyed each other’s company, which lifted up her mood on many occasions. They would stay up late watching movies, go to the library, bake and cook, work out together… Thanks to this, little by little, A healed.
The two best friends who had been living under the same roof for a couple of months now were having a blast, but things were changing, because C started falling in love with A and she didn’t know what to do. She started acting weird with A; she went to bed early, stopped doing the activities that they usually did together… Obviously, A noticed her odd behaviour and after a couple of days, confronted her about it.
C was about to expose herself and tell A how she actually felt. What would she think though? Would it work out? Would she mind dating her companion? If so, would she even date someone of her same sex? They were bosom buddies and she didn’t want to mess their relationship up. So, she came up with a lame excuse and despite A not believing her, she let her be, thinking she needed a bit of space.
A couple of months more went by, and C was still in love with A, but she stopped acting so weird and resumed their friendship without saying a word about the subject. It was Christmas after all, and they were celebrating it with some of their friends, who went to C’s apartment to spend the holidays. At this point in time, their friends knew about C’s love for A and convinced her to express her feelings to A.
It happened on Christmas Eve; C grabbed A’s hand and finally confessed her love towards her, A smiled and gently kissed her on the lips. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Maryem Zouaouine
Could we ever have a complete definition of Love?
What is love? This is a question that we have been trying for centuries to find its answer. By giving a definition of it, thousands can be given, and any of them probably would touch us deep inside. For sure, science has its rule in love. For instance, chemistrie and especially, psychology are very important when it comes to talking about love. On the other hand, there are so many types of love such as love of friends, love of parents for children or vice versa, passionate love…
In point of fact, it is not very difficult to talk about love and explain what it is from those perspectives. However, it is really complicated to create or give a complete and universal definition of love, no matter the words, experiences, ways we try to explain it, we will always have the feeling of dissatisfaction about what we said, we know that is incomplete. Could we ever have a complete definition of Love?
Well, why don’t we pretend for a moment that we will never have it, and that perfection doesn’t exist. If we do that, then everyone would have its own definition of love, based on our way of thinking and the experiences that we had throughout our lives.
It’s time to ask myself, what does love mean to me?
As I wrote earlier, there are so many types of love and I would like to talk about them all, but instead of doing that, I can relate all of them to one thing they have in common. This thing is Peace. I believe that the concept of love and peace are so related, I can not mention the word ‘love’ without thinking in peace. To show that, children and babies find peace when they are with their parents, and the same happens with the parents, who are happy and relaxed when their children are around them. Both, parents and children feel safe around each other, by knowing that they are safe, they certainly feel peace. Likewise, by having self-love, we can accept ourselves so that can lead us to internal peace. Aside from those and others which I haven’t mention, there is one in particural, that can bring two different things to the world, terror or peace, is the love to humanity. The love for others. When you see someone in a bad situation for example, and you don’t even know them, you won’t be okay until you talk to them and/or figure out what is going on with them then you try to help them. Equally, when you see someone happy and that reflects positively on you subconsciously. Is also when you wish all the best to humanity and try to fix things in this world to make it a better place for them.
We can predict that the politicians for instance, have suffered an absence of love in their life. If there was a bit of love, I think that they would not rob the peace from the hearts of humans, they wouldnt create wars and terror in this earth. If they had, that wouldn’t be true love.
In conclusion, perfection is not a characteristic of the human being himself, but this being lives “perfecting” everything. So it seems to me that this enhancement has no end, then I can say that we will never be satisfied with a given universal definition of love. Humans are very similar and different at the same time. As far as I know, love undoubtedly brings peace to my heart, if not, then I wouldn’t believe that what I am in is love.
Soumaya Euldji
Ganadoras en francés
Cher meilleur ami…
Je me souviens parfaitement quand je t’ai vu pour la première fois ; je lisais mon livre dans le jardin quand tu es sorti avec ton skateboard et quand tu es revenu l’après-midi tu m’as trouvé encore en train de lire et tu m’as demandé : « Tu lis encore ? », à quoi j’ai répondu « oui » et puis tu es rentré chez toi.
Je n’aurais jamais imaginé que l’étrange garçon qui vivait en face de moi serait dans le même lycée, et ce qui m’a le plus surpris, c’est qu’apparemment tu n’avais aucun intérêt à communiquer avec les autres camarades de classe à cause de ton expression, on pourrait dire qu’ils t’ennuyaient. Je me souviens que tu m’avais dit que c’était parce que tout le monde ne se montrait pas juste comme il était vraiment pour impressionner les autres.
Et la première fois qu’on s’est rencontré c’était pour faire ce qui serait le projet le plus différent de toute la classe, tu m’as convaincu de parler de l’influence que la société a sur nous, le plus surprenant c’est que l’on a fait du théâtre au lieu d’une présentation et grâce à ton idée, nous avons obtenu un très bon résultat.
Avant de te rencontrer, je ne connaissais pas le vrai sens de l’amitié jusqu’à ce que tu me montres que peu importe ce que les autres disent, tu étais à mes côtés quand j’étais triste que mes soi-disant « petites-amies » ne m’ont pas inclus dans leurs loisirs, c’est là que tu m’as dit de m’éloigner des gens qui ne m’appréciaient pas, je me souviens que le même jour que nous sommes allés voir un film drôle pour me remonter le moral, tu m’appris à mettre des limites aux autres et surtout tu m’as emmené hors de ma zone de sécurité.
Fadowa Cherkaoui Ettouhami
Lettre d’adieu à mon grand-père
Je ne sais pas comment je devrais commencer cette lettre, peut-être avec un « bonjour » ou un « tu me manques », peut-être je ne sais pas comment commencer parce que je ne veux pas assumer que tu n’es plus ici. Je ne vais plus manger des litres de piquant tous les dimanches chez toi, tu ne vas plus me donner d’argent de poche et tu ne vas plus réunir toute la famille autour d’une table.
Quand je pense à toi, tant d’émotions me viennent à l’esprit que même si je réécrivais 20 fois la même phrase, je ne pourrais pas la dire avec des mots tout ce que tu as été pour moi, je voudrais te dire tant de choses…
Tu es parti il y a un an, et je suis encore en colère avec la façon dont tu nous as laissés, ne pas avoir pu te dire au revoir va être quelque chose que je n’oublierai jamais, probablement, c’est pour ça que j’ai besoin de t’écrire.
Avec tout ce qui t’est arrivé dans la vie, tu ne t’es jamais plaint, et j’aurais aimé savoir que tu le faisais surtout pour nous laisser prendre soin de toi. C’est dur de réaliser avant qu’un jour tu n’allais plus être ici, de la difficulté de voir une chaise vide à Noël ou de devoir vider les placards d’une maison où tu as créé une vie, une maison qui sent à toi.
Mon cœur se brisait chaque fois que je t’écoutais dire que c’était peut-être mieux si tu n’étais pas là, alors que c’est toi qui maintenait tout le monde ensemble.
J’ai peur que le temps passe et t’oublier, oublier ton odeur, tes mains et ta voix. Je sais que j’oublierai probablement beaucoup de choses et ça te semblera peut-être absurde, mais ça me rassure de te trouver dans le quotidien, comme, chaque fois que je mange de la soupe je me souviens de toi.
Même si tu me vois pleurer pendant que j’écris ceci, je ne suis pas triste, bien au contraire, rien ne me remplit de joie que de savoir que je t’ai eu.
J’aimerais que les gens comme toi soient éternels, ta petite fille qui t’aime toujours.
Isabel de la Rubia Manrique
C’est quoi l’amour ?
L’amour c’est ce petit quelque chose en plus qui se produit quand tu es avec une certaine personne et qui n’arrive pas quand tu es avec les autres. Mais définir l’amour précisément est délicat, parce que c’est un sentiment unique entre deux ou plusieurs personnes.
Connaître l’amour pour la première fois peut être destabilisant ; en fait, tu as l’impression de ne plus rien contrôler, de perdre la tête. Cela en même temps te fait ressentir toute une gamme de sentiments intenses, de la joie ou du bonheur et en même temps de la peur et de la tristesse. Tu découvres de la fantaisie, tu vois de la poésie là où tu n’en voyais pas avant.
On a deux types d’amour : le coup de foudre et l’amour à long terme.
Le coup de foudre, c’est l’amour au premier regard. Cet amour peut évoluer en relation profonde et durable, et aussi il peut s’arrêter dès que l’on se connaît mieux, car l’autre ne semble plus intéressant après quelque temps, comme s’ils avaient été amoureux d’une image que la réalité détruit au bout d’un moment.
L’amour à long terme c’est de demander une relation à plus longue durée. Ça peut commencer par un coup de foudre, mais pas forcément. Le temps est essentiel à l’amour. Une relation amoureuse a plus de chances de durer dans le temps quand les deux partenaires se sentent bien ensemble et partagent des activités communes. Dans tous les cas, il se transforme et évolue en cours de route
Jihane Tagant
L’amour, c’est quoi ?
Les psychologues disent que nous choisissons émotionnellement, puis nous justifions nos décisions avec notre partie rationnelle. Mais je crois qu’il y a des choses que nous faisons sans pouvoir jamais donner une raison pour laquelle nous les faisons de cette façon.
Ça m’arrive avec l’amour, c’est comme ça et je pense qu’on ne saura jamais pourquoi. Parce qu’il est ambiguë, contradictoire et il se présente à nous chaque jour d’une manière différente et, il y a des jours où nous ne le reconnaissons même pas. Ma théorie est que nous naissons avec une quantité d’amour et nous l’investissons dans des choses différentes, mais uniques, et les seules qui, après tout, valent la peine dans la vie. Il y a ceux qui déposent leur amour en quelqu’un, il y a ceux qui consacrent tout à se battre pour l’environnement, ceux qui laissent chaque goutte de sueur dans leur métier et ceux qui, comme moi, ont leur amour errant partout et en même temps nulle part, là il y a des jours qu’il est là et on le voit, et d’autres, qu’il est encore là, mais il n’est pas si facile à distinguer.
En fait, c’est ça, la beauté de l’amour, peu importe combien on en écrit ou combien de siècles il nous faut pour le définir, au bout du chemin je continuerai à penser, « l’amour, c’est quoi ça ? » Et c’est peut-être ce qui le rend si attrayant.
Omaima Amamou Laamouri
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